Implementing a Pathfinder Node

Hardware Recommendations for Pathfinder Node

To ensure optimal performance and reliability, the following hardware is recommended for running a Pathfinder node:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-9700 or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
  • Memory: 32GB
  • Storage: 1TB SSD
  • Network: Gigabit Ethernet

The approximate pricing in USD for the recommended hardware is:

  • CPU: $300
  • Memory: $100
  • Storage: $100
  • Network Hardware: $50

Total estimated cost: Approximately $550.

Running Pathfinder Node Using Docker

For those who prefer a self-managed setup of all dependencies, refer to the comprehensive Installation from Source guide.


Setup and Execution

  1. Prepare Data Directory:

Create a data directory, $HOME/pathfinder, to store persistent files used by pathfinder:

mkdir -p $HOME/pathfinder
  1. Start Pathfinder Node:

Run the pathfinder node using Docker with the following command:

sudo docker run \
  --name pathfinder \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --detach \
  -p 9545:9545 \
  --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
  -e RUST_LOG=info \
  -e PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL="<project-id>" \
  -v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \
  1. Monitoring Logs:

To view the node logs, use:

sudo docker logs -f pathfinder
  1. Stopping Pathfinder Node:

To stop the node, use:

sudo docker stop pathfinder

This setup ensures the Pathfinder node operates efficiently with automatic restarts and background running capabilities.

Updating the Pathfinder Docker Image

When a new Pathfinder release is available, the node will log a message like:

WARN New pathfinder release available! Please consider updating your node! release=0.4.5

Update Steps

  1. Pull the Latest Docker Image:
sudo docker pull eqlabs/pathfinder
  1. Stop and Remove the Current Container:
sudo docker stop pathfinder
sudo docker rm pathfinder
  1. Re-create the Container with the New Image:

Use the same command as before to start the node

sudo docker run \
  --name pathfinder \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --detach \
  -p 9545:9545 \
  --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
  -e RUST_LOG=info \
  -e PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL="<project-id>" \
  -v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \

Docker Image Availability

The :latest docker image corresponds with the latest Pathfinder release, not the main branch.

Using Docker Compose

Alternatively, docker-compose can be used.

  1. Setup:

Create the folder pathfinder where your docker-compose.yaml is.

mkdir -p pathfinder
# replace the value by of PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL by the HTTP(s) URL pointing to your Ethereum node's endpoint
cp example.pathfinder-var.env pathfinder-var.env
docker-compose up -d
  1. Check logs:
docker-compose logs -f

Database Snapshots

Re-syncing the whole history for either the mainnet or testnet networks might take a long time. To speed up the process you can use database snapshot files that contain the full state and history of the network up to a specific block.

The database files are hosted on Cloudflare R2. There are two ways to download the files:

  • Using the Rclone tool
  • Via the HTTPS URL: we've found this to be less reliable in general

Rclone setup

We recommend using RClone. Add the following to your RClone configuration file ($HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf):

type = s3
provider = Cloudflare
env_auth = false
access_key_id = 7635ce5752c94f802d97a28186e0c96d
secret_access_key = 529f8db483aae4df4e2a781b9db0c8a3a7c75c82ff70787ba2620310791c7821
endpoint =
acl = private

You can then download a compressed database using the command:

rclone copy -P pathfinder-snapshots:pathfinder-snapshots/testnet_0.9.0_880310.sqlite.zst .

Uncompressing database snapshots

To avoid issues please check that the SHA2-256 checksum of the compressed file you've downloaded matches the value we've published.

We're storing database snapshots as SQLite database files compressed with zstd. You can uncompress the files you've downloaded using the following command:

zstd -T0 -d testnet_0.9.0_880310.sqlite.zst -o goerli.sqlite

This produces uncompressed database file goerli.sqlite that can then be used by pathfinder.

Available database snapshots

NetworkBlockPathfinder version requiredFilenameDownload URLCompressed sizeSHA2-256 checksum of compressed file
testnet880310>= 0.9.0testnet_0.9.0_880310.sqlite.zstDownload102.36 GB55f7e30e4cc3ba3fb0cd610487e5eb4a69428af1aacc340ba60cf1018b58b51c
mainnet309113>= 0.9.0mainnet_0.9.0_309113.sqlite.zstDownload279.85 GB0430900a18cd6ae26465280bbe922ed5d37cfcc305babfc164e21d927b4644ce
integration315152>= 0.9.1integration_0.9.1_315152.sqlite.zstDownload8.45 GB2ad5ab46163624bd6d9aaa0dff3cdd5c7406e69ace78f1585f9d8f011b8b9526


The pathfinder node options can be configured via the command line as well as environment variables.

The command line options are passed in after the docker run options, as follows:

sudo docker run --name pathfinder [...] eqlabs/pathfinder:latest <pathfinder options>

Using --help will display the pathfinder options, including their environment variable names:

sudo docker run --rm eqlabs/pathfinder:latest --help

Pending Support

Block times on mainnet can be prohibitively long for certain applications. As a workaround, Starknet added the concept of a pending block which is the block currently under construction. This is supported by pathfinder, and usage is documented in the JSON-RPC API with various methods accepting "block_id"="pending".

Note that pending support is disabled by default and must be enabled by setting poll-pending=true in the configuration options.


Logging can be configured using the RUST_LOG environment variable. We recommend setting it when you start the container:

sudo docker run --name pathfinder [...] -e RUST_LOG=<log level> eqlabs/pathfinder:latest

The following log levels are supported, from most to least verbose:

info  # default

Network Selection

The Starknet network can be selected with the --network configuration option.

If --network is not specified, network selection will default to match your Ethereum endpoint:

  • Starknet mainnet for Ethereum mainnet,
  • Starknet testnet for Ethereum Goerli

Custom networks & gateway proxies

You can specify a custom network with --network custom and specifying the --gateway-url, feeder-gateway-url and chain-id options. Note that chain-id should be specified as text e.g. SN_GOERLI.

This can be used to interact with a custom Starknet gateway, or to use a gateway proxy.


You can interact with Starknet using the JSON-RPC API. Pathfinder supports the official Starknet RPC API and in addition supplements this with its own pathfinder specific extensions such as pathfinder_getProof.

Currently pathfinder supports v0.3, v0.4, and v0.5 versions of the Starknet JSON-RPC specification. The path of the URL used to access the JSON-RPC server determines which version of the API is served:

  • the v0.3.0 API is exposed on the /rpc/v0.3 and /rpc/v0_3 path
  • the v0.4.0 API is exposed on the /, /rpc/v0.4 and /rpc/v0_4 path
  • the v0.5.1 API is exposed on the /rpc/v0.5 and /rpc/v0_5 path
  • the pathfinder extension API is exposed on /rpc/pathfinder/v0.1

Note that the pathfinder extension is versioned separately from the Starknet specification itself.

Pathfinder extension API

You can find the API specification here.

Monitoring API

Pathfinder has a monitoring API which can be enabled with the --monitor-address configuration option.


/health provides a method to check the health status of your pathfinder node, and is commonly useful in Kubernetes docker setups. It returns a 200 OK status if the node is healthy.


pathfinder does several things before it is ready to respond to RPC queries. In most cases this startup time is less than a second, however there are certain scenarios where this can be considerably longer. For example, applying an expensive database migration after an upgrade could take several minutes (or even longer) on testnet. Or perhaps our startup network checks fail many times due to connection issues.

/ready provides a way of checking whether the node's JSON-RPC API is ready to be queried. It returns a 503 Service Unavailable status until all startup tasks complete, and then 200 OK from then on.


/metrics provides a Prometheus metrics scrape endpoint. Currently the following metrics are available:

  • rpc_method_calls_total,
  • rpc_method_calls_failed_total,

You must use the label key method to retrieve a counter for a particular RPC method, for example:


You may also use the label key version to specify a particular version of the RPC API, for example:

rpc_method_calls_total{method="starknet_getEvents", version="v0.3"}
  • gateway_requests_total
  • gateway_requests_failed_total


  • method, to retrieve a counter for a particular sequencer request type
  • tag
    • works with: get_block, get_state_update
    • valid values:
      • pending
      • latest
  • reason
    • works with: gateway_requests_failed_total
    • valid values:
      • decode
      • starknet
      • rate_limiting

Valid examples:

gateway_requests_total{method="get_block", tag="latest"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", tag="pending"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", tag="pending", reason="starknet"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", reason="rate_limiting"}

These will not work:

  • gateway_requests_total{method="get_transaction", tag="latest"}, tag is not supported for that method
  • gateway_requests_total{method="get_transaction", reason="decode"}, reason is only supported for failures.
  • current_block currently sync'd block height of the node
  • highest_block height of the block chain
  • block_time timestamp difference between the current block and its parent
  • block_latency delay between current block being published and sync'd locally
  • block_download time taken to download current block's data excluding classes
  • block_processing time taken to process and store the current block

Build info metrics

  • pathfinder_build_info reports curent version as a version property

Build from source

See the guide.

The above guide is inspired by Pathfinder