Example - Starknet Connection Script

This section provides step-by-step instructions to create and run custom bash scripts for Starknet interactions.

Katana Local Node

Description: This script connects to the local StarkNet devnet through Katana, retrieves the current chain ID, the latest block number, and the balance of a specified account.

First, ensure that Katana is running (in terminal 1):


Then, create a file named script_devnet (in terminal 2):

touch script_devnet

Edit this file with your preferred text editor and insert the following script:

chain=$(starkli chain-id --rpc
echo "Connected to the Starknet local devnet with chain id: $chain"

block=$(starkli block-number --rpc
echo "The latest block number on Katana is: $block"

balance=$(starkli balance $account1 --rpc
echo "The balance of account $account1 is: $balance ETH"

Execute the script with:

bash script_devnet

You will see output details from the devnet.

Goerli Testnet

Description: This script connects to the Goerli testnet, reads the latest block number, and retrieves the transaction receipt for a specific transaction hash.

For Goerli testnet interactions, create a file named script_testnet:

touch script_testnet

Edit the file and paste in this script:

echo "Input your testnet API URL: "
read url
chain=$(starkli chain-id --rpc $url)
echo "Connected to the Starknet testnet with chain id: $chain"

block=$(starkli block-number --rpc $url)
echo "The latest block number on Goerli is: $block"

echo "Input your transaction hash: "
read hash
receipt=$(starkli receipt $hash --rpc $url)
echo "The receipt of transaction $hash is: $receipt"

Run the script:

bash script_testnet

You will need to input a testnet API URL and a transaction hash. Example hash: 0x2dd73eb1802aef84e8d73334ce0e5856b18df6626fe1a67bb247fcaaccaac8c.

These are brief examples but you get the idea. You can create custom Bash scripts to customize your interactions with Starknet.